My Intern Experience

My Intern Experience


3 min read

side.jpg My tech journey has been exciting, overwhelming. well, I got into an internship known as side-hustle a friend referred me so far it's been interesting. I did my research to find out more if it was legit well it was don't blame me where I live is funny๐Ÿ˜‚.

Side-hustle is a remote internship where you get to learn at your pace for free, learn high-demand skills that will give you a competitive advantage in the global workforce. You will also have a lot of fun networking taking on tasks, earning stipends, winning prizes, and ultimately becoming part of a startup where your skills are put to use. my journey with side-hustle started on the 21st of June before then I registered on telegram to join their channel.
Each new week we were given a task on what we were taught.


Classes covered topics on different HTML tags and how to use Git & GitHub for deploying our codes it was a refreshing experience for me.

Task for week 1 The task for week 1 was to put different HTML tags to create a tribute page and a form. How to use Github or Codepen.

Codes for week1

-Live URL:-

-Solution URL:-


The lecture covered topics on CSS

  1. Introduction to CSS.

  2. Responsive Design Strategies that aspect for me is ๐Ÿคž.

  3. Media-queries.

  4. Hosting/deployment of codes to our repository on Github.

  5. Blogging/content writing.

Task for Week 2

The week 2 task was from
Challenge was Fylo dark theme landing page at first I was like hmm, can I!!!๐Ÿค” but it a challenge so why not and besides all this was taught.

Code for week2

-Solution URL

-Live URL -

Challenge faced

I don't know Grid very well but I had to research my problem and this challenge is mostly flexing your layout skill so I will recommend anyone who is trying to learn or has learnt CSS grid should try this challenge from frontend-mentor it was really helpful.

Frontend Mentor - Fylo dark theme landing page solution

Table of contents


The challenge

The challenge was a task giving to us by Side-hustle internship, I had challenge in using grid and media queries. But overall Fylo landing page with dark theme from is a perfect training ground to practice your Flexbox or Grid skills.


FireShot Capture 055 - Frontend Mentor - Fylo landing page with dark theme and features grid_ -

Solution URL-

Live URL-

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid

What I learned

-I learned how to use my Grid-template-areas, Grid in total and flexbox.

-Then I learned Figma uses to estimate the amount of space(padding, margin, width, height).

code snippet

.proud-of-this-CSS {
  display: flex and grid;
  ::pseudocode before and after

Continued development

-To keep practicing, learning, and growing.

-To learn other technology/frameworks.

Useful resources

  • - This helped me getting my social-icons. I liked this and will use it going forward. I'd recommend it for download.



I really like to thank side-hustle for this opportunity and for this challenge helping me to understand some things mostly using grid, layout and to google my problem.

In this journey I have learned focus is key. It's a training I will recommend for people to join.

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